Some Situations in Which You Need To Seek PMDC Emergency Dental Care


Under normal circumstances, most of us do not pay a visit to a dentist until it is too late. The only time we find it necessary to visit a dentist is when we are faced with a serious dental problem. This kind of habit can make us prone to many critical diseases, therefore, it should be avoided at all costs.

Let us have a look at some of the main situations in which you need to seek PMDC emergency dental care at your earliest in order to make sure that you enjoy a happy and healthy life for a long period of time.


  • Tooth Crack or Break

A tooth can get cracked or even break apart for various reasons; it can be a result of an accident or biting on a hard piece of food. Whatever the reason, you need to seek PMDC emergency dental care at your earliest to save yourself from severe pain and tooth loss.


  • Tooth Knock Out

Sometimes a tooth or multiple teeth get completely knocked out of the mouth, this can be due to an accident or a sports injury or just falling on the ground in a wrong direction. Under such circumstances, it is imperative that you hold on to your original knocked out teeth until the time you seek PMDC emergency dental care. Try to place the knocked out teeth back to its socket if possible and hold it with moist gauze till you reach the dental clinic. If it is not possible, put these knocked out teeth in a container of milk till the time you see your dentist. The PMDC emergency dentists will do everything possible to save your original teeth or offer you a best alternative option depending on the kind of damage.


Most of the PMDC emergency dental care specialists will keep open appointments for dental emergencies like these, so under no circumstance, you should hesitate to call your PMDC emergency care dentist and seek the emergency help.


If you wanted to know more about dental care treatment and dental clinics in Bangkok, Thailand, please feel free to contact for more detailed information